Our Estate Railings are traditional designs based on the landscape architecture and garden designs from the 17th and 18th centuries.

We have three basic products in our Estate Railings Range. Killarney, Kanturk & Kenmare. These products feature horizontal rails so they can be climbed but are designed to keep animals and casual passers-by from intruding on the landscaped portion of your property. We also offer specially designed Parkland railings for use in public spaces where vehicles are required to be excluded.

Each of the photos links to a gallery of the products and the video below shows the various options.

Killarney Estate Railing

Killarney 5 Rail Estate Railing is factory assembled in 1200mm high and 2000mm wide panels. The modular design fence which is constructed using of 5 horizontal rails, 1 no ∅20mm round solid top horizontal rail and 4 no of 26 x 6 solid horizontal flat bars. All rails are welded to 50 x 10 and 50 x 6 solid flat posts at 1000mm centres. A traditional estate railing based on the original Regency and Georgian Period Designs. Offered as supply and install and supply only product. Delivered assembled Available Galvanised or Galvanised and colour Powder Coated (Plasgalv®) finish to clients choice.

Drawings & Specifications

C-14 Killarney Estate Railing

 Kanturk Estate Railing

Kanturk 4 Rail Estate Railing is factory assembled in 1200mm high and 2000mm wide panels. The modular design fence which is constructed using of 4 horizontal rails, 1 no top horizontal rail ∅20mm round solid or 50 x 10 flat and 3 no of 26 x 6 solid horizontal flat bars. All rails are welded to 50 x 10 and 50 x 6 solid flat posts at 1000mm centres. Offered as supply and install and supply only product. Delivered assembled Available Galvanised or Galvanised and colour Powder Coated (Plasgalv®) finish to clients choice.

Drawings & Specifications

C-15 Kanturk Estate Railing

Kenmare Estate Railing

Kenmare 3 Rail Estate Railing is an estate fence designed by Irfen®. Our 1200mm high railing is constructed using 3 no 26mm hollow tubular horizontal rails. Rails are welded on site to 50 x 25 RHS posts at 2000mm centres. This is offered as supply and install product only. Available Galvanised or Galvanised and colour Powder Coated (Plasgalv®) finish to clients choice.

Drawings & Specifications

C-13 Kenmare Estate Railing

Parkland Railing

A Heavy Duty Horizontal railing for use on the perimeters of Public Spaces where vehicles are to be excluded Using 2 number 40 x 40 mm solid rails, and 100 x 100 x 6mm Box Section End and Support Posts and Irfen RSJ intermediates. Available Galvanised or Galvanised and colour Powder Coated (Plasgalv®) finish to clients choice.

Drawings & Specifications
